Lookin’ for these? Rare tickets (from 2015)
It’s the annual hot spot for music-philes: the Newport Folk Fest. But, tragically, tickets are sold out. What’s a Flight of the Conchords fan to do?
-If you can’t get in, there are Aftershows in downtown Newport. Even though it’s often for one musician, Newport is notorious for having several guests from the Festival. The Aftershows are often a mini-Folk Fest in and of themselves (with Deer Tick a frequent flier). To do: follow Newport Folk Festival on Facebook/Twitter, or sign up for their mailing list (www.newportfolk.org). Keep in mind, seating is very limited at these venues, and these tickets often sell out within a day of being announced.
Find me a ticket:
1. Online: Resale sites such as Stubhub.com and Ticketnetwork.com still list tickets… often at scalper prices. These sites are online marketplaces for people to sell their tickets, and often come with certain guarantees and protections. However, there are usually restrictions and time limits, so pay attention. And just because it’s on the internet doesn’t make Rando-Joes-Free-Tix.com safe.
2. Newportfolk.org: The Newport Folk Fest website has their own fan-to-fan resale link. These tickets are thankfully at face-value, and verified through Ticketmaster. However, you might need to watch this site like a hawk to find tickets, as even here they are sold out.
3. Craigslist: The netherworld of the internet, Craigslist still has a few tickets available, though from what we’ve seen, they’re offered to the highest bidder. Even Ebay.com offers some tickets, but as we’re exceptionally jaded, we advise having a chance to see the tickets in-person before shacking over your hard-earned green. As always, be wary, don’t give your information away, and try to do your transactions in person (in a public place!).
4. On site: While this is not the most recommended way, there are often people near Fort Adams who are trying to unload their extra tickets. While you can’t get into Fort Adams State Park without a ticket, there is perennially that guy who’s pacing about next to the cars trying to hawk his wares. Again, not the most recommended way.
5. National Public Radio: For those luckless souls who cannot get in, NPR does a fantastic job in streaming several of the sets at Newport the same day. Pop off your flip-flops, get a wine cooler and some friends, and kick back in your air-conditioned apartment. The Newport Folk Festival’s YouTube channel even puts up videos of a few of the sets, but this is usually well after the festival.
6. Get a yacht: Or a friend with a yacht. For those especially desperate, the main stage of the Folk Fest is by the water, so if you don’t mind somewhat inferior sound quality and definitely inferior stageview, you can float by and catch many of the main acts come July weekend.
7. Pray to the household gods: While the Newport Folk Fest often gives away signed materials (such as a sweet Roger Waters-signed record), sometimes local businesses or radio stations may offer a giveaway. But the last time we confirmed a giveaway was when Alex and Ani sponsored the ‘Fest in 2012, so Vegas odds of another giveaway this summer are 1:375,000; odds of YOU getting these tickets are 1:28,740,659. Still, worth following the Folk Fest’s social media and paying attention.
8. Or know a local: You see, I know this guy who works for the local tent company…

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