One of the little-covered stories in western media is that of Iran’s country-wide protests. Late last year, Mah Jina Amini, a Kurdish Iranian woman, was murdered by Iran’s morality police for not wearing a hijab. Her death sparked the most massive protests that Iran has seen in over 100 years, with many protestors united by the chant “Woman, life, freedom.” To date, Iran’s government has imprisoned 16,000 political protestors.
On Saturday, February 4th, 16,000 voices from across the world will join in the largest musical collaboration – yes, larger than the Africa collaboration with Michael Jackson + Stevie Wonder + Lionel Richie.
And you can join in the largest collaboration, too.
The For Women Life Freedom nonprofit (FWLF) will sing one of the most powerful songs we’d seen, “Baraye,” a song “written” by Iranian musician Shervin Hajipour. “Baraye” is composed entirely of tweets by Iranian protestors, often describing their abuse by government forces, and many lamenting the rights that they wish they had; Hajipour is currently imprisoned because his song went viral. You can register right now to sing “Baraye” this Saturday, whether in person at the Henson Recording Studio in Los Angeles, or virtually from anywhere in the world.
Register to join women and men across Iran, and “Baraye” at this link:
(And read more about “Baraye” at this link.)
Be strong, be safe!