Various Artists – 7″ for Planned Parenthood 

A Dizzying Array of Artists

-out now digitally, Nov. 17 for vinyl box set

Can we state how important this is / 5 ?


First things first: 100% of the proceeds of sales go to Planned Parenthood.

If you’re not aware of what Planned Parenthood is, they’re the most important provider of sexual health care in the US. They serve 2.4 million people a year, many and many of them in difficult financial situations (ie broke and working at Wal-Mart); and it’s estimated 1 in 5 women have visited a Planned Parenthood clinic in their lives.

Planned Parenthood offers services from STD testing to breast exams to contraception to, yes abortion. Before you get uppity about “my tax dollars going to abortion,” this is how much the government gives to support abortions: $0.00. Seriously. Business Insider cuts through some of the huffing and puffing politicians have made about this. Check out their article here.

Planned Parenthood has faced several smear campaigns and later discredited rumors, and has been under attack for some time now. That article above discusses our current Vice President looking to defund Planned Parenthood over abortions that the government doesn’t pay for. 2.4 million people a year. What would our country look like without these doctors and clinics?

This is what happens when Planned Parenthood clinics are shut down. Spoiler alert: HIV outbreaks in Indiana.

About this release: again, 100% of the proceeds go to support Planned Parenthood, and support 2.4 million Americans a year. Where did this release come from? From too too many musicians, stand-up comics, artists; from Shepard Fairey, from Sharon Van Etten, from Margaret Cho, from Margaret Atwood… from basically an army of artists dedicated to protecting reproductive rights for Americans.

We listened to this release, including the wholly unexpected cover of “Lovin’ You” by St. Vincent and John Legend (it’s incredible), we checked out the artwork (again, Shepard Fairey has a gorgeous album cover in here among others) and while we do reviews primarily, this is something else. This is an attack on reproductive rights, for men, for women, for citizens without the power to fight back. This isn’t just a regular release for us.

So fight back. Buy this fantastic collection from a boatload of dedicated artists. It sounds lovely; it looks lovely. Check it out here – again, 100% of those proceeds. Or skip the line and donate directly to Planned Parenthood here.

Necessary for an open and free society; highly recommended.

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