White Denim – “D”
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4 / 5

We never realized how much we loved White Denim’s previous “Fits”; their wild, rambunctious sense of punk and pop ignites like a wildfire. And here, on D, there is a sense that some of the fire has died down a bit: no worries, though, because the wild half-yelling has been replaced with thoroughly impressive instrumentals. Think of it more as an exchange: the jarring punk aspects have matured into a more melodic, more assured sense of song structure. You will like this album, that much is sure; but will you love it, will you devote your waking moments away from the ones you love to air-guitaring along? Perhaps not. There is still a beautiful sense of laid-back, almost sensual sonic depth, and if you don’t manage to absolutely love the pure pop gorgeousness of “Is and Is and Is,” well, then, we don’t love you. Just kidding. But seriously, this one comes recommended.

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