OK Go – “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky”
Capitol Records
– out tomorrow
4.5 / 5

With five years since their pop-oriented “Oh No,” Chicago’s OK Go takes a heavier turn on their third full-length, “Of the Blue Colour of the Sky.” If we were to characterize the colo(u)r of this album, it would be dark, distortion blue; and if we were to characterize how good it is, it’d be more than OK. While it should be noted there are explicit lyrics, and this album starts right away a touch darker (“the kinda thrill that could just kill you,” from opener “WTF?”) it is ultimately uplifting (to an extent) and deeply rewarding. We like to think of it in terms of early TV on the Radio (distorted and somewhat angry), and Wilco’s “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” (angular and poppy); both mix together like harsh paints on a palette. Take the pop-centric “All Is Not Lost,” the brightest track of the bunch, is guitar-heavy and refreshingly sober and gorgeous. “White Knuckles” receives high commendations from us as well, and while the album takes a little getting used to, it is deep as the dark hue of a still lake; fantastic and breath-capturing. Recommended.

Listen to “All Is Not Lost”: www.myspace.com/453173424

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  1. hey matt.

    my name is daniel.. tried to get a hold of your email.. i had some questions.. but i couldnt find it so i write her.. hope its okey.. if you could contact me it would be very nice

    hope to hear from you , take care

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