We’re sorry! We’re slackers! But here’s vital voting information for New Englanders looking to vote in the Republican (or Democratic) Primaries. YOU NEED TO REGISTER TO VOTE, AAAAACK! In order of soonest to latest:
MA: Register by Feb 10th, 8pm Eastern. That’s tomorrow!
ME: Register by Feb 19th
VT: Register by Feb 24th
RI: Register by March 27th
CT: Register by April 21
Keep in mind, if you want to choose between Bernie or Hillary, most states you have to register as Democrat, or can register as Independent. Play it safe, register Democrat if that’s who you want to vote for. You’re not committed to vote for them in the Presidential election at all.
Same with Trump & Co. Register as a Republican to play it safe. Again, don’t have to vote Republican come November.
More info for the other states: http://voteforbernie.org/
Just use the Ctrl + F “find function” to learn when your deadline is to register, and how to register.
You can register at your Town Hall (which usually runs 8a-4p) or even register online. If you want to register online, you almost always need a Valid Driver’s License. Any questions feel free to ask us, or really, just Google it.
Thanks! No vote, no voice!