Just as it sounds. Business libel. No papers yet.
We’re anticipating on needing to rely on you, dear beautiful readers, in case we need to provide a retainer (for the lawyer) + aspirin expenses + rocketship fuel. To go to a planet where this kind of stuff doesn’t happen. (Perhaps Saturn? Stevie Wonder seems to recommend it.)
We’ll keep you abreast of any new updates. And apologies to Calexico! We were going to throw up a review of Edge of the Sun but that has apparently been derailed. One line review: if you’re a fan of Calexico, definitely buy it. We’ll have to put up the full review later… sigh…
Thank you for your support,
EDIT: For clarification, we were lately being requested to remove all mention of and website to True Believer PR. Here is their Twitter handle: @TrueBelieverPR.
Obviously, we’re not complying.