Morning fellow readers!
We have had a bit of a rollercoaster this past week. We apologize for any panic we may have induced amongst you, as well as for having rescheduled our reviews, etc. this week.

Last night, we’d gotten word from aforementioned PR firm ( that sounded like they were going to drop, or at least scale back the legal language they were using against us. They also seemed to have dropped any reference to not using their name/website/twitter handle on here. We’re assuming the threat of litigation has passed (when in doubt, lawyer up). As our heart clamors for justice, or at the very least an apology, a personal friend who is deeply aware of our situation put it this way: “What a douche. Not worth your time or dignity.”
Not enough of the former, not worth pissing away the latter. (Apparently we were worth theirs.)
This (hopefully) past episode has taught us – more like “reinforced” for us – a few things:

– Take the high road. Always. The air’s less polluted.
– Turn the other cheek. If they insist on smacking that one, too, so be it. They’ll find like company soon enough.
– Injustice loves social media.
– And yes, most people are generally good people. Less than 2% of them are truly miserable specimens. If you find it to be more than 2%, you should study how you treat them.

While we have decided not to stir this particular pot and advise the artist in question to drop his harrowing PR firm, we will leave up his twitter handle (@lukerathborne) and Facebook page (here) for those of you more vocally inclined to express your support or displeasure, as you see fit. Simply put, we personally will not work with True Believer PR in future endeavors. We want to thank personal friends for giving excellent advice and sympathy, and readers for reading and passing along.
Love, support, and more than a few buckets of sweat,

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