This is it. Animal Collective have outdone themselves when it comes to complex, interweaving sound structures, Beach Boy-like harmonies, double choruses, and pure, distilled sonic bliss. Fair warning: “Merriweather Post Pavilion” is not necessarily for everyone, unlike Grizzly Bear’s, which is more pop-oriented. But here, if you have a bit of time to give to the Collective, you’ll easily find this one of the most rewarding listens in your collection. Their dense electronic pop somehow maintains both a nostalgic and modern feel to it (we’re still trying to figure out how!), but enough description: listen to “My Girls,” their clear single, the springy mouth harp on “Lion in a Coma,” and “Brother Sport,” an infectious little coda to the album. Crack this one open like a bottle of Champagne: let it bubble and froth, dizzy and warm you all at the same time. Utterly gorgeous, deep, and highly recommended.
Listen to “My Girls” (if you haven’t already):, Top CDs of 2009 playlist