Top CDs of 2009: Part V

As we’re nearing the end, we find ourselves repeating what several other magazines must already have repeated: Grizzly Bear’s album is a must-have. But so what if everyone on the indie scene is still talking about it? We’re not afraid to jump on board and throw laurels at “Veckatimest,” their third studio album. Quite frankly, it’s chock-a-block with harmonies and flavor, and making their structured pop a top pick of this or any year. Among the several highlights are “Two Weeks,” with an utterly Animal-Collective chorus, and “While You Wait for the Others,” which crashes into you like a tidal wave. We reviewed this one on the old blog, and looking back, two lines wasn’t quite enough. Unless those lines are these: buy it. Highly recommended.

Listen to “While You Wait for the Others”:, Top CDs of 2009 playlist

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