It’s strange, it’s un- conventional, and it’s a CD that certainly grows on you. Only St. Vincent’s second solo LP, “Actor” uses atypical orchestration and gets a vicious, angular sound, especially in the opener “The Strangers.” Strings, clicks and blaps, and breathy, gossamer vocals all in the name of… yes, pop. But it’s deep pop, and if it doesn’t keep spinning in your player for a while, then we feel truly sorry for you. We’re still digging into smoother sound of “The Party,” which gorgeously mimics the awkward swagger of feeling misplaced, and “The Bed,” which has to do with kids, monsters, and a Smith and Wesson. We’ve got a more in-depth review on the site here, so feel free to go over and click on the left over there. Definitely worthy of your attention; highly recommended.
Listen to “The Strangers”:, Top CDs of 2009 playlist