So. All the tickets surrounding the NFF are sold out. Conor Oberst’s solo concert in Newport went out in three hours – I didn’t even have time to drive down. Everything else that’s remotely related is gone, sold out, etc. etc. no more cookies left in the jar.
Except this one: Wilco on Fri.
Now we’re guessing, what, with a brilliant new Wilco album out (finally! only waited like 10 years) there’s still some standing room to catch these guys? So previous NFF years have been at the Tennis Hall of Fame (which was AWESOME, just so nice), and we’re guessing there’s a ton more seating for a solo performance at the Fort (plus Blitzen Trapper et al), but still, we’re going out on a limb to say these guys are worth your 50 quid. We’ve caught Tweedy and the crew on more than a few occasions, and personally speaking, it has never been anything less than a total blast – even at the expense of missing the Red Sox breaking the curse. That was a conundrum, but honestly, they were up 3 games that day, and the tics were already paid for. Sorry sports guys/gals. It was the best ending to a show, however.
Asides regardless, this group is solid, “The Whole Love” is the other brilliant album we’ve been waiting for (“Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” is the first, of course), and if you’re in Newport early that weekend, we strongly consider you check out their tracks and drop by. C’mon people, get your priorities straight!

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