Colin Hay – “American Sunshine”
Compass Records
-due out Aug 18
The opener to Hay’s tenth solo album is a placid, someone stagnant celebration of his home state in his adopted country. “California,” like other pieces in this album, just seems to lack a real excitement, and don’t evince that necessary freshness that art is supposed to bring to its subject. The following “Prison Time” is a well-crafted, somewhat sunshiny feel-good track, and this is how this album stumbles, with one good, and one limp leg. Hay’s laid-back, home-country groove seems to be either on or off, making for an uneven album. Hay’s fans should find enough calmness and serenity in the instrumentation to enjoy this album, but the casual listener might not be as willing to forgive such tracks as “No Time,” which comes off too poppy and bland and shallow. Try “Prison Time” and “There’s Water Over Here,” are a couple of the deeper of his tracks; otherwise, give “Sunshine” a pass.