Hello ones and all,
So, can you smell it? Here in NE territory, it’s starting to smell something like Fall; which means, to the undiscerning music listener, fall CD releases. Right now I’m thinking of the Flaming Lips’ new one, due Oct 13th. Just crossing my fingers to see if that one gets through.
Sorry for the seeming drought of CD reviews, for some reason I’ve been not getting a whole lot back. Come Oct., just looking ahead, there should be a dearth of albums, piling on my doorsteps. Can’t wait, can’t wait…
In most important music news, I was somewhat disappointed by Zooey Deschanel in “500 Days of Summer.” Just didn’t strike me as I’d wanted it to; the male lead was soooo finicky. I guess it’s still okay to have a guy-crush or girl-crush on Zooey, if you’re the opposite gender…
Come along now, follow this blog; you shan’t be disappointed next month. You shan’t.

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