Minus the Bear – “Omni”
– out May 4th
3.5 / 5

So the electronic instruments tend to be heavy-handed; that’s not a huge problem for Seattle-based pop band Minus the Bear. Their latest is chock-a-block with singable lyrics and choruses that would please even the toughest of Motion City Soundtrack and Owl City fans. Blasting immediately into the opener “My Time,” MtB right away hooks you up with their strongest song concepts. This album feels fresh and fun, strongly edited, polished, and sonically different enough for an album that is generally satisfying on most levels. What holds us back is a somewhat cluttered feeling coming from the instrumentals (check out “Secret Country”) and that, at times, makes “Omni” appear to be working too hard. Still, a very satisfying experience, and one that will grab fans and newbies alike. A good, pop-bursting summer album; recommended.

Listen to “My Time”: www.myspace.com/453173424

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