The Newport Folk Fest is an exceedingly difficult festival to cover, considering there are three main stages, two sub-stages, a little indentation in the fort for other acts… it’s just a lot to cover. Trying to catch it all is nigh-impossible, or maybe wholly impossible. That’s probably more accurate. So we’ve come up with a top five moments of the festival that we caught – if only we were an army of people planting down at each stage. Like NPR. Actually, you can still probably catch a lot of this stuff online, though unfortunately it is a tad less live. Anyway, let’s start off withRead More →

Our photographer is a bit more traveled than we are; she tells us of the wonders of the Beale Street Music Festival: rain, mud, general ruckus. By which we mean copious booze (and various smokables), drunks, total craziness… in short, one heck of a wild party. But we wouldn’t know. We’ve never been.Friday was a rainy day, mud and grumpy weather. People kept wearing these: Another beautiful day! Copyright Lauren Burke but didn’t wear their crazy-masks. Or Victorian makeup or viking helmets or things like that, just there was no (or very little) craziness. No drunks shouting “Free Bird.” They were quite sober, we assureRead More →

We’re sorry, they’re almost all sold out! The Newport Folk Fest has been on a run these past couple years, and it’s a good thing they expanded their lineup to include Friday again, cause that’s all that’s left right now. In years past, Friday was reserved for a single group in the Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, and that’s likely what will happen again this year. This is the reason we haven’t included a picture; who’s it going to be? There’s already Jim James and Andrew Bird announced for the Festival, but we don’t even know which days they’ll be on; will one ofRead More →

We know it’s way early to be hitting up the NFF annoucements, but we got a panicked email from their PR. It goes something like this: “Newport Folk Festival 2013 is on its way to a complete sell out! While we could not be happier in the incredible faith shown to us by our devoted fans, something occurred to us: we did this without a lineup announcement and without a single press release.” Ack! We weren’t prepared for musical Armageddon quite yet, and we’re struggling coming up with ways to make you look at those tickets without a lineup. Waa-waah. But we have come upRead More →